CryptoPeep #66


Snipe Mint: CryptoPeep #66

To "snipe mint" CryptoPeep #66, send the exact amount of ADA specified below to the wallet address. Incorrect payments are refunded.

Send: 100.66 ADA

To Address: addr1qxptuzh474scvpd870nnfzenqkx63evtx07a0gm07yfejrzsdh6l497vsyjcewgnh75qyzuy3z3rk84n4u2n6dzj7gss9payrh

Random Mint

To mint a random CryptoPeep, send the exact amount of ADA specified below to the wallet address. Incorrect payments are refunded.

Send: 50 ADA

To Address: addr1qxptuzh474scvpd870nnfzenqkx63evtx07a0gm07yfejrzsdh6l497vsyjcewgnh75qyzuy3z3rk84n4u2n6dzj7gss9payrh

Minting Information

We currently offer two different types of minting - "snipe minting" and random minting.

"Snipe minting" allows users to mint a specific CryptoPeep for 100 ADA. We use the lovelace decimal system to detect which CryptoPeep the user is ordering.

Please note that while random minting costs 50 ADA flat, instant minting will require users to send a very specific amount of ADA i.e. 100.211200

Random minting allows users to mint random CryptoPeeps for 50 ADA each.

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